
First of all, I would like to tell you about the one and only the one artist. I haven't met him yet but, someday i will meet him in person and thank him, because he is one of the reasons, I am now what I am.
Fortunately I got to know about him in my early college days. And I am grateful to my class teacher who gave me his book in my hand. I had no idea what that 'Title' meant.
But the moment I saw his work for the first time I knew I wanted to do something exactly like what he did.
The book is called Alla Prima, and the artist is Richard Schmid.

Richard Schmid is a phenomenal artist. And he is my Guru.
More than half of my knowledge about painting I learned from him. His art is like meditation to me. I watch his paintings for hours. I have realized that there are limitless things he has done in his every painting and I just can't describe those things. The things you have to see yourself and feel it.

Painting is really a vast subject to talk about.
I will share my thoughts step by step.